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An easy hack to make new friends as adults

Here’s a hack to make new friends as an adult!

Reach out to 3-5 of your acquaintances or friends, invite them out and ask them to each bring a friend that no one knows. Instead of wishing you had more friends, be vulnerable and take action so you can change your narrative.

Once there, practice deep breathing & show genuine interest in the other person by listening to them and asking them about them. When asking questions, begin them with “what” because they’ll keep a conversation going longer. Here are 3 small talk questions to help:

-What’s been the weirdest thing to happen to you lately?
-What’s been keeping you busy this week?
-What’s something that made you smile today?

Never ask more than 3 questions in a row because you want this to be a 2-sided dialogue and for the other person to also ask you questions too. And when someone shares something, ask them a question about what they said instead of just switching the conversation topic.

Need help navigating relationships or building meaningful ones? Book a 1:1 with me by heading to the Book a session tab above.


Dr. C