christie ferrari

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Host One To Remember: NYE with Stella Artois

Hi all, 

As I write this, we're gearing up for NYE, and for the start of 2018! But before we ring in the new year, some of us might be hosting friends or family over to celebrate and today, in collaboration with Stella Artois, I wanted to provide you with some ideas to ensure you host one to remember. 

The Right Ingredients

My friends know that I enjoy throwing a party. Yes, it gives me a bit of anxiety planning and executing and in particular, in the hours leading up to the start, getting the vision I had in mind to come to life. But at the end of the day, I always have a lot of fun. Among the parties I've put together, they include themed parties (onesie, Mad Hatters Party, all-white party, Pirates of the Caribbean, and more), birthday parties and NYE parties as well, and this year was no exception! 

What I have found is executing successful parties requires a bit of work, but always a combination of ingredients must come together. 

The Right Decor

You have to set the environment and the mood. For NYE this year, I got these two disco balls to add the sparkles, and non-pictured here, were a collection of NYE party favors to provide the bells and whistles.

The Right Food

In any party in which you plan to have people stay for a prolonged period of time, you have to serve some yummy food. For this NYE's party, I opted for finger foods, such as cheeses and cold cuts. 

The Right Music

Essential always! Clearly, not everyone is going to like the same type of music. And it helps that my hubby is a DJ too, but the right music can make all the difference and get people dancing and singing before you know it! A silent party is a boring party, my husband always says. 

The Rights Drinks

No party is complete without the right drinks. Insert Stella Artois beer and Cidre, and you've got pretty much everything you need. This year, if you're a fan of bubbly, add some cider into the mix via Stella Artois' Cidre. Together, the beer and cider offer the perfect combination for your party!

The Right Company

The most important item always is the right people. The friends and family you will be sharing memories and hopefully, as 2017 draws to a close, these are the same group of people that you'll be creating tons of new, fun memories in the years to come, like my friends here. 

What are your tips to host one to remember? Let me know in the comments below!

