christie ferrari

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What you need to plan your drive-by baby shower

Hi all,

By the time you read this, I’m likely either at the hospital, or about to head there. But before I go, I wanted to share some details, tips and ideas for anyone planning their baby shower during the COVID-19 pandemic. So how did I do it? What did I learn while planning it? What worked? What didn’t? Let’s chat!

Planning your drive-by baby shower

Alright, so let’s start with some truth: none of us having a baby in 2020 envisioned our baby shower quite like this. I’m sure many of us had planned this day for years, and then whatever we had planned likely went out the window with COVID. But, I can tell you: Your baby shower will be special, and you will love it no matter what. I know I did!

So if you’re like me, and are having a baby soon and can’t quite get together yet with at a house, or restaurant with your friends, a drive-by shower can be really special - I know I loved mine!

Tips for your Drive-By Baby Shower

Let’s go over some DO’s and DON’Ts for your drive-by baby shower.

DO look for a Drive Through: Look for a house with a drive-in drive-through, if you can. This will allow people to drive in and not block the street and you can set up a “Wait” area, too.

DON’T set an exact time: Set a time window of an hour or two, as opposed to asking everyone to be there at a set time. That way, the arrivals take place throughout, and nobody is waiting for 30 minutes to chat.

DO find the dress for you: I linked some ideas for baby shower dresses recently, so check them out here!

DON’T forget the invitation and welcome sign: Get creatives with the invites or e-vites (I used Etsy) and then the welcome sign to let everyone know they’re t the right place.

DO have refreshments: It was HOT here, so we had some cold watermelon Perrier and Aqua Panna cans and bottles ready for all drivers. Of course, no alcohol as they were driving, but having some water or something for your guests is a must.

DON’T not give a take-home gift: Put together a nice little box or bag with goodies for people to remember the shower.

DO decorate and make it POP: So you can’t have a normal baby-shower? No worries. Decorate so even strangers from the street and neighbors will know what’s going on! I opted for balloons and letters. The letters are from ALPHALit Miami, but they’re also available in several other cities. If you mention my name in Miami, you can get FREE delivery, too :)

DON’T feel your shower is any less special because it’s Drive-through: Just don’t. Having my friends and family pass by and being able to connect during this time was extremely special and I loved every minute of it. You’ll love it, too!




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