Assertive Responses to use when you go Home for the holidays

Assertive comebacks to have in your back pocket to enjoy your Christmas.

-When are you going to move back home/closer to us?
I know you’d love that - I’m happy where I am.

This phrase acknowledges their feelings while firmly asserting your contemned with your current situation.

-Don’t you want a bigger house?
I’m not chasing size - we’re happy where we are.

This phrase confidently shuts down the assumption that bigger is better, emphasizing your satisfaction with your life.

-When are you going to get a real job?
What do you consider a real job?

This phrase shifts the focus from you and onto the them where you’re able to challenge their outdated or narrow definition of a “real job” without getting defensive.

-When they disrespect you:
If that was meant as a joke - it didn’t land.

This phrase calls out disrespect guised as humor while signaling that you won’t tolerate it.

-Comparing gifts:
We’re all winning here.

This redirects attention from comparison to gratitude and shared joy.