3 questions to ask yourself to spot a real friend.
3 questions to ask yourself to spot a real friend.
-How do they react when you share exciting news with them?
Real friends are genuinely happy for you. They celebrate your wins, big or small. Listen to the tone of their voice. Is their excitement real and supportive? Do they ignore it? Do they one up you? Surround yourself with people that want the best for you.
-Do they ask about you?
A real friend is genuinely interested in you. They don’t just talk about themselves all the time.
-Do you feel like yourself around them?
Feeling like yourself around someone is a key sign of a good friend. True friends accept you for who you are, quirks and all. You don’t have to put on an act or pretend to be someone else. Having to constantly be on guard or act differently around someone can be draining and feeling like yourself eliminates that.
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Dr. C