Assertive comebacks to have in your back pocket so you can enjoy your Thanksgiving

5 assertive comebacks to have in your back pocket so you can enjoy your Thanksgiving

-For unsolicited advice:
I’ll give that the consideration it deserves.

This is a polite way to acknowledge someone without being dismissive or getting defensive. It also implies that you appreciate their concern but you will concern it on your own terms. This allows you to maintain control of the conversation and avoid feeling pressured to follow their advice.

-To stop an argument:
Are we arguing or how can I help answer a question?

This phrase uses neutral language and is not accusatory and shifts the focus from the argument to finding a solution. It helps diffuse tension, redirects the conversation, so everyone can enjoy a more peaceful holiday.

-Judging your choices:
I’m happy with the choices I’ve made.

This response sets a boundary that you are not open to further discussion or critique without escalating the situation. It also shows that you respect your own opinions and decisions and allows you to respond with grace and confidence.

-Gaslight you:
We remember things differently.

This phrase acknowledges that there’s a difference in perspective without getting into a heated debate and avoids a back and forth heated exchange while preserving peace.

-When are you having kids/when are you buying a house/when are you getting married?
I appreciate your curiosity, I’ll let you know when I have an update

This phrase acknowledges the other person’s interest in a polite way while setting a boundary that you’re not comfortable sharing personal matters. It directly addresses the question without providing any personal information and allowing you to maintain control and avoid feeling pressured to answer. It also helps you preserve peace and maintain a peaceful atmosphere.