3 comebacks to use when a friend doesn’t like your other friend.

3 comebacks to use when a friend doesn’t like your other friend.

-I see [friend’s name] differently. They’ve been a great friend to me.

This response asserts your right to a different opinion while also defending your other friend without being confrontational or forcing them to change their mind. You’re simply stating your perspective.

-This seems to be really weighing on you, why don’t you talk to her about this?

This response addresses the friend’s behavior and suggests a potential solution to talk to them and resolve the issue without being accusatory or confrontational.

-I prefer to hear about you

This response is good to use after you’ve already addressed an issue and they persistently want to talk about it. It sets a boundary immediately and shows that you’re not going to tolerate negative talk about your other friend without escalating the conversation. This response shows respect for your other friend and is an assertive way to express your disapproval of their behavior and to protect your other friend’s reputation.

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Dr. C