3 comebacks to use when someone is being rude to you, part 2

3 comebacks to use when someone is being rude to you, part 2:

Take a deep breathe, look at them calmly for 5 seconds like a concerned mother and then say, “are you okay?”

-You’re not giving them giving them the reaction or dopamine hit they were looking for and it throws them off because you stayed calm. Depending on their reply, you can then follow it up with, “I just wanted to make sure because it’s interesting you felt comfortable saying that out loud, so I was concerned.” You can then excuse yourself.

Calmly reply with, “say that again?

-When you have them repeat what they just said out loud not only does it minimize the impact of the insult when they have to repeat it again, but if they said it around other people, then they come off less clever and more desperate because it looks as if they’re struggling coming up with something else to say, it also reveals their true colors.

Was that your way of offering me help or… now take a pause and wait for their reply.

-Not everyone means the worst and by saying this you’re calling the behavior out and giving them the opportunity to backtrack or apologize. If they were trying to offer help, you can then take them up on it. This one is great for family members.

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Dr. C