christie ferrari

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3 comebacks to use when someone is being rude to you, part 5.

3 comebacks to use when someone is being rude to you, part 5.

I’m surprised you think that’s appropriate.

This response is assertive without being aggressive. It directly addresses the inappropriate  behavior without escalating the situation. It challenges their behavior and it implies that their behavior is unexpected and unacceptable. It also preserves your dignity while maintaining a calm and composed demeanor.

Try decaf next time…

This response is disarming, unexpected and might throw the person off guard. It doesn’t escalate the situation by being overly confrontational and it’s a clever way to subtly imply that the way they’re acting is rude. This is a good response to use with someone that you know that is intentionally and deliberately being rude to you.

Is something bothering you?

This response deflects the response and it shifts the focus from their rude behavior to how they’re feeling and invite a conversation about what’s upsetting them. It preserves your composure and allows you to maintain calm and collected.

Need more help with assertive communication or  with comebacks for an upcoming event you have, book a 1:1 with me by heading to the book a session tab above.

Dr. C