3 comebacks to use when you get ghosted.

3 comebacks to use when you get ghosted.

-If this is a pattern. Quietly move on, say nothing and move on. No response is a response. This preserves your dignity, you set boundaries, and it protects your peace and energy by being able to move forward.

-Hey! Wanted to pop up to the top of your inbox.
Reach out once. Give them the benefit of a doubt, people are busy and can forget.

-Hey! Let me know when you get a second.

This response is direct and clear and it explicitly states that you’re waiting for a response. It’s low-pressure and it doesn’t demand an immediate response, allowing the other person some flexibility. It also avoids sounding accusatory or demanding. Reach out only once.

Need more help with assertive communication or communication skills then book a 1:1 with me and if you’re here for outfit details, comment outfit & I’ll send you a link!

Dr. C