3 comebacks to use when someone offers you unsolicited advice, part 2.

3 comebacks to use when someone offers you unsolicited advice, part 2.

-I’ll give that the consideration it deserves.

This response acknowledges that you heard the person and their advice without being dismissive. You’re subtly implying that you’ll think about what they said but aren’t necessarily going to follow their advice without being aggressive. You’re setting a clear boundary while remaining polite. Essentially, this is an example of a diplomatic way of saying, "Thanks for your input, but I'm not interested in discussing this further at the moment.”

-"Thanks for the input, I've already got a handle on it.”

This response acknowledges the other person and shows that you appreciated their thoughts and time while maintaining a positive and respectful tone. It also directly communicates that you have the situation under control, are setting a boundary, and don’t require further advice without being rude or dismissive.

-“I’ll consider if it works for me.”

This response shows respect without being defensive while also implying a sense of control. You also set a boundary and are politely suggesting that the conversation is over for now without being aggressive.

Need more help with assertive communication or want help coming up with personalized comebacks for an upcoming situation? Book a 1:1 with me by heading to the Book a session tab above.

Dr. C