3 responses to use when someone cuts you in line.

3 responses to use when someone cuts you in line.

-Hi, I’m next.

This response is direct, clear, and short - leaving no room for ambiguity. You’re asserting yourself and if delivered in a polite tone, you’ll avoid escalating the situation.

-Hi, I don’t think you meant to cut the line, it starts over there.

This response directly addresses what happened in a respectful and assertive manner while also setting a boundary. To help deescalate the situation, suggesting the person made a mistake rather than intentionally cutting in line can be a good option.

-Say nothing. It’s not worth your energy.

Not saying anything doesn’t mean you’re not asserting your boundaries, it only means you’re choosing a different approach to handle the situation - especially if it’s tense or the line is moving quickly. This approach avoids escalation and avoids any unnecessary conflict while you’re preserving peace to assert your position.

Freeze up in situations and don’t know what to say? Let me help you, book a session with me by heading to the Book a session tab above.

Dr. C