How to respond to someone that is always bragging
Boundaries, Family, Friends, Mean Girls, Rude People, Work Situations, AssertiveYOUChristina Ferraribragging, one upper, show off, frenemy
3 comebacks to use with someone who only talks about themselves.
Boundaries, Dating, Friends, Family, Mother in law, Rude People, AssertiveYOUChristina Ferrarinarcissist, frenemy, bad friend, friends, friendships, mean girls
3 phrases to help you assertively say no.
Boundaries, Dating, Family, Friends, Mean Girls, Mother in law, Rude People, Work Situations, AssertiveYOUChristina Ferrarino, work, corporate, boundaries, assertive
3 comebacks to use with someone that says nice to meet you yet you’ve met multiple times.
Boundaries, Bullying, Gaslighting, Mean Girls, Rude People, Work Situations, AssertiveYOUChristina Ferrarimean girl, mean girls, networking, work place, work, corporate, power dynamics, subtle dig
Assertive comebacks to have in your back pocket so you can enjoy your Thanksgiving
Boundaries, Family, Friends, Gaslighting, Kids, Mean Girls, Mother in law, Rude People, AssertiveYOUChristina FerrariHome for the holidays, thanksgiving, mother in law, family drama, power dynamics, gaslight, having kids, house, married, judging, argument, argue
Comebacks to use when they say: You’re eating all of that?
Boundaries, Work Situations, Rude People, Mother in law, Mean Girls, Friends, Family, AssertiveYOUChristina Ferraribody image, body positivity, judgmental, comment on your appearance, weight
How to respond to someone who always name drops & boasts about logos & trips.
Boundaries, Family, Dating, Friends, Mean Girls, Mother in law, Rude People, Work Situations, AssertiveYOUChristina Ferrarishow off, name drop, logos, boast, one upper
Assertive responses to use when someone downplays or puts down something you’re proud of.
Family, Work Situations, Rude People, Mother in law, Mean Girls, Boundaries, AssertiveYOUChristina Ferraridownplay, jealous, put down, subtle dig, mother in law, family, toxic
Assertive Responses to use when you go Home for the holidays
Family, Work Situations, Rude People, Mother in law, Mean Girls, Boundaries, AssertiveYOUChristina FerrariHome for the holidays, going back home, moving back home, Comparisons, house, Job, Disrespect you, comparing gifts
Comebacks to use when someone says You Look Tired
Boundaries, Friends, Mean Girls, Mother in law, Rude People, Work Situations, AssertiveYOUChristina Ferrariassertive you, judgmental, mother in law, mean girl, mean girls
Comebacks to use when you catch someone sizing you up.
Family, Boundaries, Work Situations, Rude People, Mother in law, Mean Girls, AssertiveYOUChristina Ferrarisizing you up, mean girls, mean girl, power dynamics, judgmental, family
Comebacks to use when someone is rude
Work Situations, Rude People, Mother in law, Mean Girls, Family, Boundaries, AssertiveYOUChristina FerrariRude people, when someone is rude, comebacks, rude
Assertive comebacks to use when another parent puts down your child
Rude People, Mother in law, Mean Girls, Friends, Family, Boundaries, Bullying, AssertiveYOUChristina Ferrariparent, school, putting child down, putting down children, mean to children, mean to kids
Comebacks to use when they ask "where's your outfit from? Amazon?"
Comebacks to use when a guy mansplains to you.